aims & objectives
The aims and objects for which the society is established are:
a) To set up, improve, run, maintain and develop “PIJUSH KANTI MUKHEIUEE MAHAVIDYALAYA " and raise it to the standard of a full -fledged co-educational Degree College for imparting teaching in Arts. Commerce, Science and other subject/streams as may be approved by the affiliating body / University and to present students for various Public Examinations.
b) To arrange and organize lectures, debates, training programme, educational conference, seminars, workshops and excursions etc. for diffusion of knowledge.
c) To publish or cause to be published useful literatures, papers, magazines, books etc.
d) To promote and encourage advancement of literacy, cultural, social, moral, scientific and technological education.
e) To help the needy students of all communities for prosecution of studies.
f) To collect, purchase and preserve books, journals & magazines, manuscripts, painting, sculptures, work of art, antiquities, natural history and geography specimens. Specimens of folk-lore and folk-culture and scientific instruments and designs etc. and build up library and laboratories etc.
g) To engage and assist in such other philanthropic activities as may be deemed appropriate by the Governing Body of the Society.
h) To collect donations and subscriptions and receive fees and / or grants for the purpose of the Society.
i) To construct, maintain, improve, develop and alter any building, houses or other works necessary or convenient for the purpose of the Society.
j) To utilize the income and properties of the Society whatsoever derived or obtained solely towards promotion of the objects of the society and no portion thereof shall be paid to or divided amongst any of its members by way of profits.
k) To do all such things as may be deemed incidental or inducive to the attainment of the foregoing objects.